We are VERY sad to inform readers of a closure which has been reported to us by the Councils engineering department and active travel team. The section of the walkway and cycleway from Great Junction St to Steadfast Gate will be closed for 11 weeks! Below are the details which have been passed to us by the City. We are working with the council to insist that a diversion is in place for all users but they are struggling to find a safe route for cyclists. Meanwhile, for walkers, we recommend the green route and for cyclists, the blue as Bonnington Grove is NOT suitable for bikes. Please bear in mind this is just our suggested route and not the official diversion – when this is ready we will share it.

Concrete repair works are due to start on Monday 22nd June 2020 at Newhaven Road South Bridge for 11 weeks and the cycleway/footpath beneath the bridge will be closed to the public during this time between Connaught Place and West Bowling Green Street (please refer to the map). In addition, the cycleway/footpath will be closed to the public further east beneath Great Junction Street Bridge from Monday 22nd June 2020 for 1 week between the hours of 7am and 5pm, reopening each evening.
Consideration was given to keeping the path open during the works at Newhaven Bridge by constructing a ‘tunnel’ beneath the bridge with a crash deck to protect the public from demolition works above. This has its own difficulties for users of the cycle path, due to the reluctance of cyclists to dismount, and the safety of the public at night time. However, the real issue is Contractor’s plant sharing the cycle path on the approach to the bridge. We will have heavy plant bringing in and removing equipment and material. The structure will require a significant amount of concrete to be removed using high-pressure water jetting at approx. 10000psi before being repaired, and this uses substantial amounts of water and materials.
Covid-19 has necessitated the closure of the path beneath Great Junction Street Bridge due to the 2m social distancing rule. The path here is relatively narrow and operatives will be required to remove the scaffold whilst maintaining a 2m distance between each other and it was deemed impractical for them to also maintain a 2m distance with members of the public.
Advanced signage on the footpaths has been put up earlier this week and communications have been circulated through the normal channels in order to prepare users of the footpath for the closure. The attached map will be placed on signs at the ends of the closure and at the footpath at West Bowling Green Street, to inform the public on the locations where they will be able to rejoin the path.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but hope that residents and path users will understand the greater long-term benefit of these improvements and measures required to allow sites’ safe return to work during the Covid-19 outbreak.