Coalie Park Plan is ready to view

Check out the latest improvement plan for Coalie Park in Leith

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Frequent readers will know that over the past year we have been working with the community in Leith to create an improvement plan for Coalie Park, a rather neglected and rundown part of the walkway. The finalised Coalie Park Improvement Plan will form the basis of next phases of the project and can been viewed on the Coalie Park page on our website. In the coming month the Trust will be seeking permissions and consents from the Council and landowners, obtaining outline quotes for the overall work and individual project so funding applications can be submitted, conducting the necessary surveys of the site and detailed design development of some of the exciting technical project in the site such as the Gathering Space and Community Garden / Skate hangout. This will hopefully lead to the implementation of a community led project to deliver place improvement for citizens and nature in Leith. It includes 5 placemaking projects, 800m2 path upgrading, 4 arts / interpretation installation and restoration and management of nature habitats in the water and woodland areas.

As evidenced in the Coalie Conversations engagement process, and the range of interest this improvement plan development has attracted, there is a huge amount of will and support for this project but as yet no funding has been secured so a time frame cannot be included at this stage.

Download a copy of the plan – follow this link COALIE PARK PLAN

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