Post Day: March 24, 2022


Spring volunteering its rubbish, oh and railings, path edges, drains, willow fences …..

All the rakes, brushes & cutting tools have been given a huge work out over the last few months to ...


Willow Spiling – A Traditional, Natural Solution to riverbank Erosion in the heart of Edinburgh

Read how we worked to develop a project at Roseburn to create a 'nature based solution' to erosion


Volunteers get to know their Bryophytes !

While wading in the river the conservation team often notice masses of different mosses and liverworts that are blanketing the ...


Plant Sale Sat 7th May 11am

Help us get ready for this event by growing on plants to support our work


Eels can climb! So we make ropes to help them scale the rivers barriers

Volunteers Make Eel Ropes with Jack Wooton from Forth Rivers Trust
