Coalie Park Funday

Sun 3rd Oct

The Coalie Park Improvement Project is a campaign run by the Water of Leith Conservation Trust and ELGT which aims to deliver a transformation to this rather rundown and neglected part of the Water of Leith Walkway. At this funday we will be showcasing design proposals for the park and asking you for your thoughts and feedback. This fun event will also feature children’s’ nature activities, charity stalls, Plant Sale, and Guided Walks of the Park and Leith

Sun 3rd Oct

1pm to 4pm



Join us to find out about plans to improve Coalie Park, have your say and take part. Information Hub, Children’s Activities, Stalls, Guided Walks, Fundraising, Treasure Hunt etc

Additional Info

Very limited parking so please come on foot or bike. Public loos are nearby on Great Junction Street


Coalie Park, off Coburg St, Leith

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