As many regular readers of our updates will be aware, our biggest regular clean ups happens down in Leith on the 1st Wednesday of the month, where anywhere between 15 – 40 volunteers turn up to keep the river and greenspaces litter free. We even made the online news following our most recent clean up, when several voodoo dolls were found in a box under an tree. (
In the past local organisations such as Mearns Company, Port of Leith Housing, FIrefly, Tetra Tech and the Scottish Government have all come out and lent a hand which has been a great help to maximise the impact of the sessions. Naturally we would love to do more to encourage local employees to get out and spend time by the river and to make a difference at the same time
Therefore following a donation of litter pickers from Sustrans we are pleased to be able to offer local businesses in Leith the opportunity of the loan of the necessary litter pickers, gloves and bin bags to do their own micro volunteering as time allows. Whether that is for 5 mins or their full lunch break to encourage you to get out of the office and enjoy some fresh air especially as the darker months approach.
You might even like to combine the litter picking with the Paths for All workplace step challenge that starts on the 31st of Oct ( . Where there are loads of great prizes up for grabs, weekly competitions to take part in, and they’ll send out regular updates to help keep you and your team motivated during the challenge.
If micro volunteering is of interest to your company then feel to contact our conservation team at [email protected] for more details.