Your Donations Matter

The Trust is funded in a variety of ways. We are grateful to the City of Edinburgh Council for their grant support, we also raise money through the Visitor Centre and the fundraising events we organise throughout the year – such as Plant Sales and Fun days.  However, an important source of funding for the charity comes from public donations and the generous support of our members.

You can use the links below to make a donation through a secure donation portal, powered by the Charities Aid Foundation.  It’s a safe and secure way to make one-off or regular monthly donations that also allows us to process GiftAid.

Charities Aid Foundation

Ways to Donate

One-off Donations

Donations large or small can be made through our Donation Portal.

Ongoing Support

Help support the Trust by setting up a regular monthly donation.

Legacy Giving

Leave a gift in your will
and help keep our work flowing.

Examples of what your donation could help to fund:


buys a tree and a tree tube to plant along the river


buys a sieve, bug box and clipboard to kit out a child on an educational visit


buys a pair of gloves, litter picker and bags to kit out a volunteer


pays for our Ranger to work with a disadvantaged group of people, introducing them to the river and its wildlife


supports everything needed for a river clean up – including staff, administration and resources


would supply plants and tools for a wildflower planting project to improve riparian habitats

How to Setup Legacy Giving

To include a gift to The Water of Leith Conservation Trust in your Will all you need to do is give your solicitor our name, address and registered charity number, and instruct them as to how much you would like to donate to the charity. 

It really is as easy as that, and your kind donation will go on to help fund the Trust into the future.

The Water of Leith Conservation Trust,
24 Lanark Road,
Edinburgh, EH14 1TQ.

Scottish Charity Number SC000015
