Upgrading the Water of Leith Walkway/National Cycle Network Route 75 between the Union Canal at Lanark Road and Bridge Road, Balerno has started and the route is NOW CLOSED between Lanark Road and Colinton Tunnel (with no viable diversion) until the end of June.
The total project due to take around 16 weeks, path closures will be necessary during the works and these will be signed appropriately. Then the project will move to the section from Juniper Green to Colinton in early July
The works are being funded by Sustrans and the Transport for Scotland. The project will be delivered by Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust (ELGT) in partnership with City of Edinburgh Council.
The 8km route is to be upgraded to a recycled material called Ultitrec (not a sealed surface) that will result in less maintenance requirements and along with drainage and other associated works will result in a surface that will allow better access for all abilities. This surface is recommended by Sustrans when a sealed surface is not feasible, or desired.
It is unfortunate that these improvements will need to be undertaken at this busy period of the year, however for the path surface material to stabilise it needs to be laid in the warmer weather. Short term pain for long term gain