Post Tag: edinburgh

Visitor Centre

Help Msc Student with a Visitor Survey

Would you like to see better interpretation at the Centre or along the Walkway? Have your say on this ...


Upgrading works from Slateford to Balerno to resume in March

Work to begin on 20th March


Winterwatch episodes 4 and 5 live from the Water of Leith

This popular seasonal BBC programme featured our work, eels, otters and rubbish


A Year of Returns by Ranger Johnny

As we draw to the end of year it’s natural to look back on what has been, for myself it’s ...


Dancing on ice and ice actually dancing

What a few weeks it has been for freezing conditions on the river and walkway and wonderful wildlife spotting


The Interceptor Sewers; how Victorian Edinburgh cleaned up the Water of Leith

What the Victorians did for the Water of Leith, sending the three p's elsewhere


Advent Calendar with craft Leith Beers inside sold in aid of our work are showing their support for the amazing work our volunteers do by donating each time a NEW Leith Craft Beer ...


Plants of the Dells by Juliet Wilson

Volunteer Juliet shares her experiences of wild plants along the river in the Dells
