Post Category: News


“I’d love to volunteer but I’m always at work “

In the first quarter of 2023 it’s been a close battle between our own volunteers and corporate groups on who ...


6 weeks on the Biomatrix Platforms are growing well and welcoming Leith’s latest residents

This ‘snuggle’ of eider chicks were spotted having a snooze on one of the platforms this week. They seem to ...


Getting my feet under the table – or in the river! – Hannah Dry – Conservation Officer

Here I am. Stood in a river, with the otters, kingfishers and dippers wondering how on earth I’ve been this ...


Goodbye to Sandie B, and hello Gillian.

This June saw another long standing member of staff leave the Trust – Sandie Boyle as been our Visitor Centre ...


Michaels First Month

Well here I am, Michael the trainee ranger! I’m still getting used to the idea, and pinching myself on my ...


Biomatrix platforms create new habitats in Leith

Exciting new addition to the basin areas - creating homes for wildlife and increasing plant diversity


Conservation Team Update – The world post Charlotte! by Ranger Johnny

“The River has Wisdom and Feeling and Flow. The Only Thing Certain is Change” – Robert J Landy It’s a ...


Welcome to Michael and Hannah

Our new Trainee Ranger started with us on 17th April and Conservation Officer will be formally joining us in ...


Walkway Resurfacing work continues

The section of Walkway from the City bypass to the car park near Spylaw Park in Colinton has been completed, ...


Coalie Park Project gets underway

We are VERY excited to inform readers that our Coalie Park Project phase 1 has received planning permission and funding! ...


What a year! The results are in… 2022/3 saw all areas of our work flourish.

At the end of the financial year we like to crunch the numbers – how many tasks? How many school ...


Introducing the river to New Scots

During February Charlotte led a series of Guided Walks for The Welcoming along the river as part of a ...
